Every month, you’ll receive your monthly residual report. This report will show all active accounts, their activation date, monthly volume, gross profit, and your residual payment, along with a monthly total of your active accounts.
We pay a generous upfront bonus of $100 per activated referral account. If you refer more that 75 activated accounts, we will pay $150 per referral. We pay a further 20% of the total residual earned monthly by each merchant. This is a life time residual whilst you are in contract with us.
Fully completed applications receive $200 per activated account plus 50% of the total residual earned by Take Payments. Referral partners that completed over 75 activated accounts per month receive $250 per account plus 50% of the total residual earned by Take Payments.
We offer custom deals for referral partners whose merchant portfolio is processing over $100,000,000 per month.
These changes apply retroactively to all merchant accounts in your portfolio. We incentivize continued business!
Payments are made for processing accounts. If a merchant has $0 volume for a given month, there will not be a residual payment for that merchant.
Payments are made based on processing residuals, and do not include any revenue generated from gateway fees, equipment fees, or any other ancillary services. Residual Payments are made for processing accounts. If a merchant has $0 volume for a given month, there will not be a residual payment for that merchant.Payments are made based on processing residuals, and do not include any revenue generated from gateway fees, equipment fees, or any other ancillary services.
Cash Advances; we offer Cash Advances of up to $500,000 to any merchant that have POS machines. Online merchants qualify too. Earn 3% of the total loan value as a one time commission.